Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Emma's birthday

For Emma's birthday (October 24th) we took her and Abby to the Bean Musuem in Provo, it has a lot of stuffed animals (not like a teddy bear:) but they loved it! Then we got some ice cream at the Creamery.
On Saturday we had her big party with all the family. She didn't take a nap that morning because of all the excitement, getting things ready for the party, etc, you know how it is. She was so tired, bless her heart, by the time we ate, opened presents and then had the birthday cake she was practically falling asleep in her high chair. But she was a good sport and was so cute.

I can't believe that she is already one year old. The year went by so fast! She is walking everywhere now and wants to do everything sister Abby does. She loves playing "peek a boo" she will hide around a corner and then pop her little face out with a big smile :)

When we asked Abby what she wanted to give Emma for her birthday, she declared: balloons! She was so excited to give her pink balloons, if you've seen the "Little Einstein" episode of "birthday balloons" you know what I'm talking about.

She loved all her presents, especially the bouncy balls. Abby loved her presents too :)
Emma loves baby dolls, so that is what I got her, she wouldn't let go of it, it was so cute!



wurstens5 said...

Cute! I love 1st birthday's, it's really sad because it means they are growing up way to fast, but it is such a fun stage. Starting to get so independent, and their personalities are getting really cute. And yes, I have seen that Einstein episode many, many times.

Unknown said...

Meli, atfer you left (April 20th) on Sunday night, dad and I looked and read and pondered over your wonderful blog. What a masterpeice it is. You have worked so hard on this. Your life appears so serene and eventful. Well the eventful I believe. Maybe it was the music that made the pics look so effortless. Needless to say - You are a wonderful mother and memory maker.
These pics are dear to us and is so fun to see these precious girls. Also the travel log as we could even identify and recall our own memories with you. Thanks for being such a special gal.
I know they will also be cherished by your daugters.